Extend NotePlan's Markdown

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Note: The examples you see below have been implemented into all themes from v3.9.4. The code in this article serves as example to learn how to create your personal custom markdown.

You can extend NotePlan‘s Markdown in the same JSON files used for customizing themes by adding a few extra attributes for the regular expressions. The following examples demonstrate this. Get started with theme customization before continuing here.

Note: While a regular expression is applied across the full text range of a note (not paragraph by paragraph), it will break if applied to multiple paragraphs (= text separated by newline characters), when the lines are being edited. NotePlan doesn't re-apply the styles to the full text when just one paragraph was changed. To save resources, only the edited paragraph is refreshed.

Example 1 → ::highlighting::

Here is an example for a new style you can add below the existing ones for highlighting text by surrounding words with a double colon:


"highlighted": {
    "regex": "(::)(.+?)(::)",
    "matchPosition": 2,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "backgroundColor": "#7745A2E5"
"highlighted-left-colon": {
    "regex": "(::)(.+?)(::)",
    "matchPosition": 1,
    "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
    "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "color": "#AA45A2E5",
    "backgroundColor": "#7745A2E5",
"highlighted-right-colon": {
    "regex": "(::)(.+?)(::)",
    "matchPosition": 3,
    "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
    "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "color": "#AA45A2E5",
    "backgroundColor": "#7745A2E5",

You can also overwrite the regular expression of an existing style by adding the ”regex” attribute.

Here the keys highlighted, highlighted-left-colon, and highlighted-right-colon were added. They all have an ”regex” attribute with the value "(::)(.+?)(::)" which will find words surrounded by :: and apply the style defined in the same key.

Example 2 → !! flagging by importance

In this example, you can change the background color of the full line from a light to a strong red tone to mark the priority using !, !! or !!! at the beginning of the line:


"flagged-1": {
    "regex": "(^|\\v)(\\h*(\\*|-|\\+)\\h*(\\[ \\]\\h+|\\h+)\\!{1}\\h+.*)($|\\v)",
    "matchPosition": 2,
    "backgroundColor": "#22D0021B",
    "headIndent": 33
"flagged-2": {
    "regex": "(^|\\v)(\\h*(\\*|-|\\+)\\h*(\\[ \\]\\h+|\\h+)\\!{2}\\h+.*)($|\\v)",
    "matchPosition": 2,
    "backgroundColor": "#55D0021B",
    "headIndent": 33
"flagged-3": {
    "regex": "(^|\\v)(\\h*(\\*|-|\\+)\\h*(\\[ \\]\\h+|\\h+)\\!{3}\\h+.*)($|\\v)",
    "matchPosition": 2,
    "backgroundColor": "#AAD0021B",
    "headIndent": 33

Example 3 → ~~Strikethrough~~

Add strikethrough style to a word using the following styles. This works together with an underline where you use single tilde characters left and right of the word:

With visible markdown characters:


"strikethrough": {
    "regex": "(^|[\\W_])(?:(?!\\1)|(?=^))((\\~|_)\\3)(?=\\S)(.*?\\S)(\\3\\3)(?!\\2)(?=[\\W_]|$)",
    "matchPosition": 4,
    "strikethroughStyle": 1,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "color": "#AACBCCC6",
    "strikethroughColor": "#CBCCC6"
"strikethrough-left-tilde": {
    "regex": "(^|[\\W_])(?:(?!\\1)|(?=^))((\\~|_)\\3)(?=\\S)(.*?\\S)(\\3\\3)(?!\\2)(?=[\\W_]|$)",
    "matchPosition": 2,
    "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
    "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "color": "#44CBCCC6"
"strikethrough-right-tilde": {
    "regex": "(^|[\\W_])(?:(?!\\1)|(?=^))(\\~|_)\\2(?=\\S)(.*?\\S)(\\2\\2)(?!\\2)(?=[\\W_]|$)",
    "matchPosition": 4,
    "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
    "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "color": "#44CBCCC6"

Looking for more strikethrough line thicknesses or patterns? Continue here.

Example 4 → ~Underline~

With visible markdown characters:


"underline": {
    "regex": "(^|[\\W_])(?:(?!\\1)|(?=^))(\\~|_)(?=\\S)((?:(?!\\2).)*?\\S)(\\2)(?!\\2)(?=[\\W_]|$)",
    "matchPosition": 3,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "underlineStyle": 1,
    "underlineColor": "#FFCC66"
"underline-left-tilde": {
    "regex": "(^|[\\W_])(?:(?!\\1)|(?=^))(\\~|_)(?=\\S)((?:(?!\\2).)*?\\S)(\\2)(?!\\2)(?=[\\W_]|$)",
    "matchPosition": 2,
    "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
    "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "color": "#44CBCCC6"
"underline-right-tilde": {
    "regex": "(^|[\\W_])(?:(?!\\1)|(?=^))(\\~|_)(?=\\S)((?:(?!\\2).)*?\\S)(\\2)(?!\\2)(?=[\\W_]|$)",
    "matchPosition": 4,
    "isMarkdownCharacter": true,
    "isHiddenWithoutCursor": true,
    "isRevealOnCursorRange": true,
    "color": "#44CBCCC6"

Looking for more underline line thicknesses or patterns? Continue here.

Regular Expression Attributes

"matchPosition" defines which regular expression group should be used for the styling. In this example every the regular expression has 3 groups, for example: (::). The count begins with 1. If you use 0 as position, it takes the full match including all groups.

"isHiddenWithoutCursor" will hide the matched text if the cursor is not inside the word. "isRevealOnCursorRange" will reveal hidden text, if the cursor is inside.

\\ escapes a character in the regular expression which would otherwise alter the matching behavior, such as *. Make sure it’s always double escaped like in this example.

Next up: Change existing Markdown →

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