Jira Integration - Get Active Tickets (Template)

This template will pull all tickets assigned to you with the status "To Do" and "In Progress" into the current note. You will need to do a little bit of setup before you can use this integration. You need:

  1. An API Token: Generate it here
  2. Your user email address
  3. Your organization URL, such as "https://noteplanapp.atlassian.net"

Once you have the token and your email address, you need to base64 encode it in this combination: email:api-token. You can use any tool or website to encode it, for example, this one.


Before you copy it into NotePlan, make sure to replace:

  • the BEARERTOKEN with your base64 encoded email:api-token combination. 
  • And replace the jiraURL with the link for your organization.
title: Jira tickets
type: empty-note 
<% /* bearerToken is user_email:jira_acess_token base64 encoded */ -%>
<% const bearerToken = 'BEARERTOKEN' -%>
<% /* replace with your company jira url */ -%>
<% const jiraURL = "https://YOUR_ORG.atlassian.net"-%>
const re = await fetch(jiraURL + "/rest/api/3/search?jql=assignee=currentuser()&fields=id,key,status,summary", {
	method: 'GET',
	contentType: 'application/json',
	headers: {
		'Authorization': 'Basic ' + bearerToken
<% const parsed = JSON.parse(re) -%>
## Jira Tickets
### In Progress
<%- parsed == undefined ? "Your API token is invalid ": parsed.issues.filter(ticket =>  ticket.fields.status.name ===  "In Progress").map(ticket => "* [" + ticket.key + "]" + "(" + jiraURL + "browse/" + ticket.key + ") " + ticket.fields.summary) .join("\n") -%>

### Todo
<%- parsed == undefined ? "Your API token is invalid ": parsed.issues.filter(ticket =>  ticket.fields.status.name ===  "To Do").map(ticket => "- [" + ticket.key + "]" + "(" + jiraURL + "browse/" + ticket.key + ") " + ticket.fields.summary) .join("\n") -%>

See the integration here in action:


Thanks to the community for providing this example ( @AaronG) and the underlying templating functionality (@codedungeon and the plugin team as a whole). Join our discord community and visit our templating channel to learn more.