X-Callback-Url Scheme
In this article:
- /openNote
- /addText
- /addNote
- /deleteNote
- /selectTag
- /search
- /runPlugin
- /installPlugin
- /noteInfo (x-success)
- x-success
- Testing
General scheme:
noteplan://x-callback-url/[action]?[action parameters]&[x-callback parameters]
Open a note identified by the title or date.
- noteDate optional, to identify the calendar note in the format YYYYMMDD like '20180122' or use 'today', 'yesterday', 'tomorrow' instead of a date. To open weeks, use the ISO format YYYY-Www, for example, ‘2022-W32’.
- timeframe optional, if you are opening a calendar note, you can tell NotePlan here which type it should open: "week", "month", "quarter" or "year"
- noteTitle optional, to identify the normal note by actual title.
- You can link to a subheading by appending
name behind the title, for example: "Fleeting Notes#Second Brain". However, make sure to url encode the spaces (%20
) and the "#" (%23
) sign:noteTitle=Fleeting%20Notes%23Second%20Brain
- Link to a synced line by appending it's ID behind the note title separated by "^", for example: "Fleeting Notes^pxgobp". Here, too, you need to encode the special characters, spaces (
) and "^" (%5E
). For example:noteTitle=Fleeting%20Notes%5Epxgobp
. You can look up the ID inside the raw text file or click on the drag button left of the line to copy the URL.
- You can link to a subheading by appending
- filename optional, to identify a note by filename instead of title or date. You have to use the relative path, which means including the folders (e.g. "folder/note.txt"). If the folder or filename contains spaces and possibly other characters which are not supported in an URL, you need to URL-encode them. A space becomes "%20" for example. You get the correct URL by using the "Copy URL to Note" feature in the note menu (see menu icon top right inside the editor). Searches first regular notes and if nothing found tries to convert the filename into a date.
- heading optional, assign a name of a subheading inside the note so NotePlan scrolls to, and highlights this subheading. Available from v3.7.2
- subWindow optional (only Mac), values:
(opens note in a subwindow) andno
- splitView optional (only Mac), values:
(opens note in a split view) andno
. Note: Available from v3.4
- useExistingSubWindow optional (only Mac), values:
(looks for an existing subwindow and opens the note there, instead of opening a new one) andno
(default). Note: Available from v3.2 - highlightStart / highlightLength optional, to set select text in the note after opening it. This also scrolls the note to that position. The start is the character index of where you want the cursor to jump and use a length > 0 if you want to select text. Use something high like 9999 if you want the cursor to jump to the last position (to the bottom, for example, if you want to create a new note and type right away). Note: Available from v3.9
Adds text to a note identified by the title, filename (normal notes) or date (calendar notes).
- noteDate optional to identify the calendar note in the format YYYYMMDD like '20180122' or use 'today', 'yesterday', 'tomorrow' instead of a date.
- noteTitle optional to identify the normal note by actual title.
- fileName optional to identify a normal note by filename instead of title or date. Searches first general notes, then calendar notes for the filename (strings for dates can be also used here like for the noteDate attribute).
- text text to be added to the note.
- mode optional, values:
- openNote optional, values:
(opens the note, if not already selected),no
- subWindow optional (only Mac), values:
(opens note in a subwindow if 'openNote' was also added as argument with 'yes' value) andno
- splitView optional (only Mac), values:
(opens note in a split view) andno
. Note: Available from v3.4 - useExistingSubWindow optional (only Mac), values:
(looks for an existing subwindow and opens the note there, instead of opening a new one) andno
(default). Note: Available from v3.2
Calendar notes:
Use noteDate
to target calendar notes.
Regular notes:
Use noteTitle
to target normal notes.
Adds a new note with text and a title. If the title already exists, it still creates a new note and appends a number to the filename. If you want to add a calendar note, use "/addText". The calendar notes are automatically created for you and there can't exist multiple calendar notes for one date.
A new note should have either a title or a text. Empty notes are not allowed.
- noteTitle optional, will be prepended if it is used
- text optional, text will be added to the note
- openNote optional, values:
(opens the note, if not already selected),no
- folder optional, define which folder the note should be added to. The folder will be created.
- subWindow optional (only Mac), values:
(opens note in a subwindow) andno
- splitView optional (only Mac), values:
(opens note in a split view) andno
. Note: Available from v3.4 - useExistingSubWindow optional (only Mac), values:
(looks for an existing subwindow and opens the note there, instead of opening a new one) andno
(default). Note: Available from v3.2 - highlightStart / highlightLength optional (when used together with openNote), to set select text in the note after opening it. This also scrolls the note to that position. The start is the character index of where you want the cursor to jump and use a length > 0 if you want to select text. Use something high like 9999 if you want the cursor to jump to the last position (to the bottom, for example, if you want to create a new note and type right away). Note: Available from v3.9
- noteTitle title to identify a normal note
- noteDate date to identify a calendar note in the format YYYYMMDD like '20180122' or use 'today', 'yesterday', 'tomorrow' instead of a date.
- fileName optional to identify a note by filename instead of title or date. Searches first general notes, then calendar notes for the filename.
- name required tag name, leave it empty to show all notes. You have to prepend it with a "#" or "@", otherwise, it will search for the given keyword.
- text required to identify the search string, leave it empty to clear the search field.
- filter alternatively to "text", opens an existing filter instead of search.
- pluginName required to identify in which plugin NotePlan should search for the command can be alternatively pluginID. Find the plugin name in the Preferences > Plugins. You need to url-encode the name, so that spaces become "%20"
- pluginID as an alternative to pluginName to identify the plugin. Find the ID in the plugin.json file of the plugin stored in the Plugins folder.
- command required, to identify the command you want to run. Without a leading "/". For example command "/nc" becomes "nc"
- arg0, arg1, arg2, ... (optional) to pass arguments to the plugin if supported (available in v3.5).
- pluginID to identify the plugin. Find the ID in the plugin.json file of the plugin stored in the Plugins folder.
Note: Available from v3.15
/noteInfo (x-success)
This only works with x-success and is to get the absolute filepath and name to the currently opened note.
Result parameter:
- path absolute file path to the opened note file.
- name name of the opened note.
Result (NotePlan will call):
sourceapp://x-callback-url?path=[html encoded file path]&name=[note name]
Where the parameters in square brackets are replaced by the actual path and name, both html encoded. Replace "sourceapp://x-callback-url" with the x-callback-url link of the app you want to call or the source app from where you call it.
Available from NotePlan v3.5
Every URL supports the x-success parameter. Using this you can return to the original app after the x-callback-url has been processed in NotePlan.
This example will append the text "Hello" at the end of today's note and return to the calling app (or any other app). Edit the sourceapp://x-callback-url
part to match it with the API of the next app you want to call.
If you are using Shortcuts, you don't need to add this parameter. Instead, just use the action open Text with x-callback
and Shortcuts will automatically add the right x-callback parameter. If you don't want to return to Shortcuts, use open URL
Run the X-Callback-Url like this in the Terminal to test:
open "noteplan://x-callback-url/addText?noteDate=20180204&text=Hello%20World"
Or enter the URL into Safari or another browser.