How to enable logging?

To help us troubleshoot an issue you can enable logging and send us the log files after you have reproduced the problem. 

In most cases it's good to run NotePlan with logging turned on for a while longer with restarts in between to see any possible problems occurring at app startup for example and to collect enough data in general.

On Mac

To enable logging, click on "Help" in the menubar, then "Enable Logging":

Logging will stay enabled across restarts and add to the existing log files. Once you could reproduce the problem, turn off "Enable Logging" and click on "Open Log Folder". Then send us the two files to [email protected]:

This will not create a crash report, however. To send us a crash report, see here.

On iOS

Open the preferences in the left sidebar (see the button at the bottom) and scroll to the bottom "Troubleshooting" section. Tap on the switch in "Enable Logging":

Once you have reproduced the issue, tap on "Share Log File" and send it to [email protected]. Turn off logging after that.