How to cancel my subscription?

Depending on how you have subscribed (App Store, or directly through the website), you can take different paths to cancel your subscription.

Web App

If you signed into the web app using, a trial was started automatically without asking for your credit card. This trial will automatically cancel at the end. You don't need to do anything.


Open the customer portal to manage your subscription. Or click on "Manage Subscription" under the Preferences > License from inside the native app or Settings > Manage Subscription from the web app.

App Store

Since Apple handles all sales, cancellations, and refunds, we - the developer - have no access to your subscription.

You can cancel the subscription in the AppStore app. Click here to  manage your subscriptions (then select "NotePlan" and uncheck the subscription).

If you seem to have problems with your NotePlan 2 discount, read this.

If it displays "Expires...", then your trial or subscription is canceled successfully

On Mac

On iOS