NotePlan for Teams
Teamspaces for the native apps and for the web are currently in beta.
Teamspaces let you collaborate with other users on notes inside NotePlan. Both on the web for people who don’t use Apple devices and on your native devices. Right now, Teamspaces are in beta and you can test the features.
In this article we’ll cover 4️⃣ things:
- How to install the Teamspaces beta TestFlight, which is different from the standard NotePlan TestFlight.
- How to get started with Teamspaces.
- What you can do with Teamspaces.
- How to choose and manage plans and what the pricing looks like.
Let’s get started!
Getting the NotePlan Teamspaces Beta
First things first: you can only use either the Teamspace or the standard NotePlan TestFlight. You cannot run both versions side by side. That means you need to opt out of testing the standard version if you want to play around with Teamspaces (both are kept up to date with the newest changes). Here’s how.
- On macOS, open TestFlight and select NotePlan in the left sidebar (if you don’t use any beta yet, skip to step 3)
- Scroll down to the bottom of the NotePlan overview page and hit the button that says Stop Testing.
- Now head over to the Teamspaces TestFlight and hit Start Testing under step 2.
- Congrats: you’re now on the Teamspaces Testflight!
(If you run into issues, let us know. We will send you an invitation directly to your Apple ID, if you share it.)
Getting Started with NotePlan Teamspaces
So how do you enable Teamspaces in NotePlan?
Head over to Settings (previously Preferences) and click the “Lab” tab. You’ll see a “ Teamspace Login” with an email field. Enter any email address you want to use as your account (doesn’t have to be the Apple ID) and you’ll get an email with a code. Enter the code and teamspaces are now enabled!
Teamspaces Features
For regular NotePlan users, Teamspaces will feel right at home. Think of it as the native NotePlan you know, but other users can now work inside dedicated areas in the app.
In this beta you’ll see the Teamspaces heading in the Sidebar. Here, you can create any number of shared Teamspaces with notes inside. Any members you add to a space can work on everything that’s inside the teamspace.
You may want to create spaces like Marketing, Sales or anything you like. Plus, you also have daily and weekly notes available. They’re great to work together to set goals and keep track of what happens.
Adding and managing users is easy. Simply right-click a Teamspace and you’ll see all users. You can invite a user simply by adding their email address. There are three roles:
1. Guests (default)
- Can access and use only the assigned Teamspace(s).
- Have limited access to other NotePlan features (no personal notes, no filters, etc.).
- Do not count towards your team subscription member limit (see them as "external collaborators")
2. Members
- Have full access to all NotePlan features.
- Count towards your team member limit.
3. Admins
- Like Members, but can manage members (add, remove, change roles).
You can add users individually to each Teamspace. So someone can be in Marketing and see only Marketing if they are not added to the R&D Teamspace, for example.
Users can work inside NotePlan Teamspaces both on their native Apple devices and inside the browser if they don’t use iOS, macOS or iPadOS. Once you send a user an invitation, users can choose how they want to join the Teamspace.
Invitees can choose to download and accept the invite using the native app or web app.
Plans and Pricing
Excited about Teamspaces in NotePlan and ready to explore the plans? Great, let’s dive in.
Both subscriptions come with a 31-day free trial, only during the beta phase.
- Small Team: Invite up to 5 members for $19.99 per month.
- Business Team: Invite up to 25 members for $69.99 per month.
Subscribing is easy. Choose one of the plans above, enter the email address you want to use for your teamspace account (doesn't have to be the Apple ID), payment information and start the free trial.
You can cancel the trial at any time without losing access.
Why purchase a team subscription?
This way you can give your whole team access to NotePlan while dealing with a single invoice only. Additionally, it's cheaper than the sum of individual subscriptions.
Note: You don't need the team subscription if the members you want to invite already have a personal subscription. You personally also don't need a team subscription if you have already a personal subscription.
Q: Are there any changes to my personal plan or the strategy of NotePlan now that Teamspaces are being introduced?
A: Nope, you don’t have to worry about the NotePlan you love and use everyday!
Q: What can Guests do and do I have to pay for them?
A: Guests can view everything inside their assigned teamspace and edit notes. They cannot see any private calendars or notes, and have no access to filters. You are not billed for Guests.
Q: Can I add Guests without adding Members and purchasing a plan?
A: Yes, you can add a limited number of Guests (currently 10, but we are open for suggestions).
Q: Do I still need a personal subscription if I have a team plan?
A: No, you can cancel your personal subscription, the team plan will include your access.
Q: What happens to my personal subscription if I purchase a team plan?
A: It will keep running unless you cancel it. At the moment a personal plan can't be converted easily into a team plan with prorated pricing.
Q: What happens to my personal notes if I switch to a team plan?
A: Your personal notes won't go anywhere, you keep your access as before
Q: Will I be charged automatically for teamspaces if I use them?
A: No, you need to subscribe actively to a team plan and will pay only what you agreed on in the beginning. The price stays fixed no matter what you do in NotePlan.
Q: I want to invite someone who has a personal subscription, do I still need the team subscription?
A: No, you don't need a team subscription to invite users with personal subscriptions to a teamspace. The team subscription is available if you want to have a single point of purchase and manage licenses from the teamspaces instead of having multiple personal subscriptions.
Q: Are teamspace notes stored locally?
A: Yes, but at the moment not as plain text files. Instead, we chose to store them inside a SQLite database locally, because it simplifies the access from NotePlan. Also, it makes moving and renaming files easier. You can still access it, see this video.