Strikethrough and Underline Styles

Previous: Customize Themes

Tips: Add ~~Strikethrough~~, and Add ~Underline~

You can modify the line thickness and pattern of the strikethrough and underline styles. The default value, which is a simple thin line, for both is:

"underlineStyle": 1,
"strikethroughStyle": 1

Values from 1-8 increase the thickness.

The next bit values that have an effect are: 1...

+8: double (= 9)

+ 256: patternDot (= 257)

+ 512: patternDash (= 513)

+ 1024: patternDashDotDot (= 1025)

+ 8192: over line (= 8193)

+32768: byWord (= 32769)